HCTM Events

HCTM organizes multiple conferences and events throughout the academic year that provides professional learning opportunities for in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers. Join in on professional conversations and presentations about the teaching and learning of K–12 mathematics from knowledgeable, and experienced mathematics educators from around the state of Hawai‘i and the US!

We are especially looking for classroom teachers who are doing creative and innovative lessons and activities that increase student motivation and understanding to host our webinars (and hopefully in-person conferences and workshops in the future).

Contact us if you would like to be a presenter at a future conference or webinar.

Sharing Your Passion for Mathematics

SATURDAY,  April 5, 2025

The Spring 2025 Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics (HCTM) Conference will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at the University of Hawaii West Oahu campus.

This free conference welcomes in-service and preservice teachers, administrators, coaches, and other professional educators. Expanding its reach this year, the HCTM Conference also invites math enthusiasts from the community to join the breakout sessions. This year’s theme is Sharing Your Passion for Mathematics.


Registration will open at 8:30 AM, followed by three breakout session slots:


If you want to present an interactive workshop, please complete the speaker proposal survey by January 17, 2025. The HCTM Planning Team will review proposals in January, and decisions will be communicated by early February.


The 2025 Onizuka Day of Exploration will also be held on campus. This exciting, free STEM event attracts thousands of kids and families annually. For more details, please visit the Onizuka Day Website or Scouting Hawaii Onizuka Day Website.

Breakout session information will be posted after the Planning Team has made their final decisions.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via our HCTM.org contact page.


Laurie James

HCTM Conference Organizer

Mathematics Time Warp: Journeying Back to Whiteboards, Markers, and Interactive Hands-On Wonders!

SATURDAY,  April 6, 2024

Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

"Mathematics Time Warp: Journeying Back to Whiteboards, Markers, and Interactive Hands-On Wonders!"

Saturday, April 6, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Leileihua High School (link for directions)
campus map 

>>> Register Here

Registration/Sign In 8:00-8:30 AM (Library)

HCTM Session #1        8:30-9:45 AM

Math Fun! JRMF Activities for All Ages (Grades K-5) - Room F-39
Puzzles are effective in classroom engagement and learning fun! This is a standards based, hands-on learning activity meant to challenge the learning through play. This can be played in classroom or at home!

Magic Flower (Grades 3-8) - Room F-40
This number puzzle is one of Julia Robinson Math Festival Magic Flower activity. This puzzle is suitable for 3rd-8th grade and beyond. Participants will obtain Festival and Teacher guide.

Growing Mathematicians with Number Lines (Grades K-5) - Room D-32
In this session, teachers will learn the importance of using number lines. Number Lines support students with whole numbers, fractions, and decimal fractions. Teachers will leave with ideas on using the number line and progression from grades k-5. 

Math through Pacific Island Navigation (Grades 5-8) - Library
Implement Hawaiian culture into a math curriculum through navigation. Examples of lessons will be provided that have been implemented in various classes.

Nā Anakahi: Exploring Ratios and Proportions Through Traditional Hawaiian Units of Measurement (Grades 6-8) - Room D-34
Delve into the traditional Hawaiian units of measurement, known as "Nā Anakahi". Gain an understanding of these unique measurements and appreciate their historical context. They will explore and apply Nā Anakahi, traditional Hawaiian units of measurement, within the context of ratios and proportions.

Break & Vendors 9:45 - 10:15 AM

HCTM Session #2     10:15-11:30 AM

The Intersection of Arts and Math: Student Engagement (Grades K-5) - Room F-39
Engage your students' creativity in Math through Arts integration. STEAM where the Arts fit into STEM and Arting across the curriculum.

5-minutes to Dismissal: Purposeful Activities to Support Math Content (Grades K-6) - F-40
Did your lesson run short? Is there time left over before the period ends? Come learn about and practice activities you can run in your classroom with 5 minutes left to dismissal.

Journey Back to Student Engagement (Grades K-5) - Room D-32
Are you engaging your students in ways that challenge them? Let's explore learning opportunities to engage students for growth and practice using concrete materials. Students must ‘use tools strategically’ and ‘model with mathematics’ to enhance their learning through student engagement!  

Math through Pacific Island Navigation (Grades 3-7) - Library
Implement Hawaiian culture into a math curriculum through navigation. Examples of lessons will be provided that have been implemented in various classes.

The Building Blocks of Algebra (Grades 6-8) - Room D-34
What is Algebra? Since when did Math use Letters?  We will be talking about how to implement research based strategies such as You cubed, 3-Act math, Thinking Maps, and Exit Tickets to reshape how to introduce patterns, expressions, and equations for first time Algebra learners!

Closing & Prizes 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Library) *must be present to win

From Math by Memorizing...
to Math by Understanding

SATURDAY,  September 30, 2023

This image has the same text as the text to the right.

Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

"From Math by Memorizing...
to Math by Understanding"

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Presented by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) President Kevin Dykema

We must ensure that each and every student receives a high-quality mathematics education that promotes reasoning throughout the grades.

>> Register for this Zoom event <<

K-12 Mini Conference


Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

K-12 Mini Conference

Saturday, April 1, 2023
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Moanalua Middle School
1289 Mahiole St
Honolulu HI 96819

>>Registration Link inactive

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email.
Early registration ends Friday, March 10 (price increases by $10 starting Saturday, March 11)

Sessions and Presenters


8:00 - 8:30 am Check in

8:30 - 9:45 am Session 1

9:45 - 10:30 am Break / Julia Robinson Festival Sampler

10:30 - 11:45 am Session 2

11:45 am - 12:00 pm Closing / Door Prizes (must be present to win)

Holiday Pau Hana


HCTM Holiday Pau Hana 2022 image

Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

Holiday Pau Hana!

>>Registration link is inactive

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

WODB Pau Hana


Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

WODB Pau Hana!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
4:00 p.m. HST
!!! FREE !!!
Via Zoom

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

One of the prizes is the book "Which One Doesn't Belong" graciously donated by author Christopher Danielson @Trianglemancsd (http://talkingmathwithkids.com)! Mahalo Christopher!

Holiday Pau Hana


Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents... 

Holiday Pau Hana!

Thursday, December 9, 2021
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
!!! FREE !!!
Via Zoom


Anyone can join in for a fun math activity to celebrate the Holiday Season!

Supplies needed: 8.5x11" paper, pencil, scissors, ruler

Pau Hana Math Trivia


Hawaii Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents our first Pau Hana Math Trivia Event!

Thursday, August 19, 2021
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
!!! FREE !!!
Via Zoom


Anyone can join in for fun math trivia (the questions will not be super difficult) on Kahoot! with prizes available! You just need an electronic device that can connect to the Internet.

Please also consider being a member of HCTM and we are still looking to fill Board of Directors vacancies.



HCTM Presents our first Webinar: Jan. 23, 2021

"Engaging Students Wherever They Are" (Formerly "Virtual Mini Conference")

Saturday, January 23, 2021
8:15 - 10:45 a.m.


Session 1
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
"Yay or Nay? Let's try!"

Distance Learning has been tough for all of us. But, as always, teachers have prevailed because they are willing to try new things and adjust based on student feedback. Please join us for a session where I'll share 10 strategies that I've tried - some self-discovered and others adapted for my math classes from amazing educators in the #808educate network. In this session you'll get to experience the strategy, earning points along the way, and getting bonus points for if it was a "yay" or a "nay" in my class this past semester.

Daphne Okunaga has spent 15 years as a math teacher at Pearl City High School. She serves as Academy Lead of International Business, state trainer for the Introduction to College Mathematics course, Smarter Balanced Performance and Practice Committee Member, and a Hawaii State Teacher Fellow Alumni. She is the 2017 PAEMST Awardee, Teach It Hawaii Outstanding Educator, and Life Changer of the Year Nominee. Believing education is more than standards, Daphne is an active Charger alumni. She is the academic advisor for football, graduation coordinator, School Community Council Chairperson, and a member of the Hawaii Chamber of Commerce.

Session 2
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
"Creating Community in Synchronous Online Class Sessions"

Teaching synchronously online creates many challenges, such as keeping your students engaged and creating community like you might in a F2F class. Many of us have experienced staring at those tiny black squares with the sound of crickets in the zoom room. In this webinar, I will share some ways to promote engagement and sense of belonging in an online class with synchronous sessions. In other words, how to make your zoom (WebEx, Google) room a fun and exciting space to learn in.

Nadine Wolff teaches Mathematics in the Math & Sciences Department at Kapi`olani Community College. She has been teaching for twenty years and ventured into online education about eight years ago. When she is not teaching math she enjoys traveling, ocean time, and outdoor activities.


Conference Cost: Free for HCTM members, or $20 (which includes one year of HCTM membership)

Registration information: Register for the Zoom Webinar at http://go.hawaii. edu/3T8.

Upon acceptance, a follow up email with a link and further instructions will be sent to you.

Sign up for one or both sessions. Deadline for sign up is January 18.

If you have questions about this registration process please contact Dayna Kitsuwa at kitsuwa@hawaii.edu.

Middle School Mini Conference (2020)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Moanalua Middle School

The 2020 Middle School Mini Conference brought together educators from a variety of contexts to share high leverage tasks, pedagogical considerations, and technological tools relevant for the middle school classroom. Teachers had the opportunity to engage in professional conversations that encouraged sharing and reflecting on practice. It was a wonderful day of learning for all! 

Middle School Mini Conference Presenters 2-22-20 (final list)

2019 Annual Conference

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hawaii Baptist Academy

AHA! Finding the Joy in Mathematics! The 2019 annual HCTM conference was held at the beautiful Hawaii Baptist Academy in Nu‘uanu. We were very fortunate to have 2019-2020 NCTM President Dr. Robert Q. Berry III as our keynote speaker. He shared his experiences and thoughts about equity and social justice in mathematics education. The HCTM board would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Berry, the 19 speakers, 4 poster session presenters, and exhibitors who contributed to this special day of professional learning. 

Elementary School Mini Conference (2019)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Salt Lake Elementary School

The 2019 Elementary School Mini Conference was a resounding success, with six knowledgeable educators, who each presented on a different topic. Sessions included the game of NIM, integrating mathematics in STEM tasks, and literacy in mathematics. A number of ready-to-use tasks and pedagogical techniques to engage students in doing mathematics were shared! 

In this photo (one of several breakout sessions), teachers fold paper airplanes and use math and science to see how design affects flight distance.

2018 Fall Conference

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Iolani School

Keynote Speaker:  Dewey Gottlieb

2018 Spring Conference

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Moanalua High School

Keynote Speaker: Barbara Dougherty